First of all, I’m very excited because my team made it into the top ten. Thanks to my teammate. Keep it up, The Council of Sheep !!!!
I am responsible for all reversing challenge that my team solved. But there are some challenge I collab with my teammate. So, let’s see how we did it!
20 points, 828 solves checkers Author: JoshDaBosh
This one very easy, just look into IDA or using anything to view strings.
Flag: actf{ive_be3n_checkm4ted_21d1b2cebabf983f}
50 points, 525 solves Bedtime!
nc 32760
zaza Author: JoshDaBosh
This challenge have 3 check, a number, sussy check, and a string:
That number is 4919 and the second number is any.
After that, This challenge get our input and xor with string:
and compare with:
"2& =$!-( <*+*( ?!&$$6,. )' $19 , #9=!1 <*=6 <6;66#"
So, by the property of xor, we can get back our string easy:
from pwn import xor
x1 = b"2& =$!-( <*+*( ?!&$$6,. )' $19 , #9=!1 <*=6 <6;66#"
x2 = b"anextremelycomplicatedkeythatisdefinitelyuselessss"
Put things into the server:
Flag: actf{g00dnight_c7822fb3af92b949}
100 points, 213 solves A friend sent this to me. Can you help me find out what they want?
nc 31403
Author: cavocado Hint: Elixir is awesome :)
Let check that file:
This challenge was written in Erlang, I spent minutes to find a decompiler I found this decompile, easy to build and use:
And here is the result:
So, in order to the function check()
return true, we need passing 2 arguments, first one is a number and second is string “banana”
The number is very easy to calculate, It was 103
Put things into the server:
Flag: actf{baaaaannnnananananas_yum}
Word Search
110 points, 47 solves I decided to put a few puzzles in the kids’ menu for the new AngstromCTF restaurant, but nobody has been able to solve it. Maybe you could take a crack at it. Author: rous Hint: The flag is composed of only English words and underscores.
This one like a programing challenge than reverse challenge, so I was collab with @d4rkn19ht to solve this. I am confused what is the hint and this maze.
Let look in to the binary, It was renamed and look clean, but still hard to understand:
The main function as sus function take 2 command-line arguments and do something
After I researched, one of them is Hint from pdf file and another is our input (flag):
So, that mean this program do something with the hint from pdf file to check our input, let’s figout what does it do!
This program check char by char with the hint, some important symbol like “(” or “?” will appear often.
After a lot of times debugging and testing, I found the rules, let’s me explain:
First, suppose () is a block, this will be this format:
(char + somechar)char ... 'char
That somechar = ‘h’, and I think (k
is start of our block, 'k
is end of the block. Continue,
The format is: ?sometext?
This progam take each char from our flag and compare with rule: char of flag not in somechar
(blue) and must be in sometext
(yellow), after that, we will obtain only 1 char, this will compare with our flag.
So, in this case, this char was b
I called blacklist is the buffer saved “hjU5fl”, after check with sometext
remaining buffer will be “fl”.
The main flow:
take somechar from block -> put it into buffer -> take char from sometext -> check that char (if that char in buffer delete this char from buffer, if not, compare this char with flag)
That mean, we need a code to get the char to compared, this is my optimized code:
buffer = []
enc = "(kh)k'k(Qj)Q'Q(2U)2'2(35)3'3(Ff)F(ul)u?hbjU5?'F(9M)9'9(4 C)4'4(iv)i?ofM?'u?tCl?(SP)S'S'i?Pvh?_(k4)k'k(Q0)Q'Q(2Y)2'2(9 j)9'9(uB)u(S I)S(N7)N(oH)o?40Yi?(3a)3'3(Fi)F'F'S(XG)X'o?arij?(4k)4'4'u(fs)f(d f)d?kBr?(ix)i'i'X(cH)c'd(VZ)V(q x)q'q(DJ)D(W B)W?eIxG?(sp)s's(xN)x'x(pD)p'p'N'W?pND7g?(Mq)M'M?uqH?'c'f'V?HsfZl?'D(eT)e'e(j N)j'j?xJaT??BNr?_(kh)k'k(QS)Q'Q(2U)2'2(32)3'3(FZ)F(4s)4(XG)X?hSaU2?'F(97)9'9'4(Sw)S'S?nZ7s?(uc)u'u(iQ)i'i'X?cdwQG?_(k6)k'k(Qq)Q'Q(F8)F(9 8)9(i v)i(e4)e?i6q?(2t)2'2(3i)3'3'F'9(4 u)4'4(p R)p(oK)o(f b)f(Vr)V(D8)D?tin8?(us)u'u(SF)S'i(X 1)X'X(sS)s(NR)N(c 9)c(q o)q?8eus?'S'p(M X)M'f(W f)W(jm)j?Fvx1?'s(xo)x'x'c?Sop?'M'e'j?rR?'N(d8)d?eRX?'o?sK9?'d'q'W?sb8?'V?iro?'D?8v4??efm?"
i = 0
def remove_one(c):
global buffer
for i in range(len(buffer)):
if c==buffer[i]:
buffer = buffer[:i] + buffer[i+1:]
flag = ""
while i < len(enc):
if enc[i]==')':
if enc[i]=='?':
tmp = []
n = enc[i+1:].index('?')
for j in range(i+1,i+n+1):
for c in tmp:
if c in buffer:
if enc[i]=='_':
print(flag) #both_irregular_and_inexpessire
Flag: actf{both_irregular_and_inexpessive}
80 points, 40 solves My friend sent me this town simulator. I can’t seem to beat it. Can you help me? Author: awesomeguy
This one little guessy, so I don’t like it so much.
First of all, I figiout what is this file with extension .8xp
of the file given?
Program or data file used by the Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus and TI-84 series calculators; can be transferred to the calculator from a computer using a TI Connectivity Cable and the included software.
To run an 8XP file on your PC, you’ll need to use an emulator that can simulate a Texas Instruments graphing calculator.
So I found some emulator like this: wabbitemu, tiemu, vti, …
I trying many times to run this file but I alway got an error:
When I run with TI-83 plus rom:
I also try many rom, like ti-83, ti84, ti-83 ce,… and still got an error:
So, before reversing the code, I was figout how to run that file, it’s the time to find the correct version of calculator and emulator support it.
And I was excited that @Nova found this one:
After download and run with ti-84ce.rom, download libraryclibs.8xg
and send it to emulator. Finally, it’s worked:
Before this, I view this file (TOWN.8xp) as hex and I found some interested string:
So, I think the correct name is somewhere on this file. I decided to debug this program and bypass the first check:
Stop the program, Step out ultil it requires our input, type some text and step over to debug. After some times, I found that address D1AB38 is the jump check (jump to fail, print “I think you are lying…”) for name; So, to bypass this check, we easily turn on the zero flag:
And got into the TOWN:
After this, I figout something about these option:
Option 5: Input a string, and print this string with reverse string after that, I enter “11112222”:
Option 4:
Option 3:
Option 2:
Option 1:
This one happen when you enter nothing:
If your enter sometext:
And the program exit.
I figout that the 5 option just the hint to obtain flag, not process our flag. Follow option 2, we need to find the correct name first:
I try with this input and try to find where our input saved on memory:
D1A820 address of first name input D1AB38 check name D1A7E4 input address of code talk to guard D1A7C0 address of printed string option 1 $DIA968: get input function $021D2C: print str function
After some times trying to debug, I found this:
It seem the program load some thing from memory, and it was “CE C RELEASE”
Try it as a name and it correct:
So, we find the correct name, but where flag?
At the time I view the find as hex, I also found this sussy string:
This like our flag but encrypted, I trying to xor with the flag format and this happened:
As we can see, xored string was RRRLL…, but R is index 5 at of the string “CE C RELEASE”.
I try it with string like “RRRLLL” + “AAA” or “RRRLLL” + “EEE”,…(follow on option 4 and 3) and this is result:
So there is a string I found:
x = bytes.fromhex('33 31 26 2A 37 29 75 32 38 1A 7D 75 1A 71 36 32 72 24 21 2E 05 2B 65 2F 32')
b = guess + b'\x00'*(25 - len(guess))
print(xor(x,b)) #ouput: b'actf{e4sy_80_4ss3embIy7}\x00'
Flag: actf{e4sy_80_4ss3embIy7}
130 points, 55 solves To the moon! The correct sequence of inputs is the flag in ASCII. moon Author: JoshDaBosh
This main funtion is to big, so we can’t decompile this code:
To view it as graph, we need to change the max node to 10000:
After a first look, I see this program get 1293 number. Each number (n), for each number, it will call the corresponding function the number of times (n).
Example, with at funtion 0, and n0 = 120, it will call func0 120 times, and there is inside func0:
There are 1293 global variable, after call func1292, this will check with constants, so this like a matrix multiply:
First try, I using get_bytes() to get all byte of each function, then check them to get these constant, but it incorrect.
So I decided to create asm file, then parse constant on this.
I use this script:
from pwn import *
with open('moon.asm','r') as f:
ins = f.readlines()
cons = []
for n in range(1293):
var= 0x23AB900
idx = ins.index(f'func{n} proc near\n') + 5
ls = []
while idx < len(ins) and f'func{n}' not in ins[idx]:
if f'rax, cs:qword_{hex(var)[2:].upper()}' in ins[idx]:
nextline = ins[idx+1]
number = int(nextline.split(' ')[6].replace('h','').strip('\n'),16)
if 'add' in nextline:
elif 'sub' in nextline:
# cons.append(ls)
And here is the result:
Now I have matrix 1293x1293, we(m1dm4n) use sagemath to solve it:
from ast import literal_eval
from sage.all import matrix, vector
x =[63393110, 58886046, 67388269, 63461910, 67974569, 60993599, 67115864, 65470744, 66191693, 64407727, 62057872, 61486263, 64907821, 58373354, 64768373, 59683813, 63725637, 72094089, 61331703, 68980247, 66685884, 57971615, 64038009, 61162051, 66550714, 62707285, 69620832, 64209208, 65650269, 66386253, 65096786, 63795576, 63701384, 61965114, 66725179, 62279606, 61438421, 66127795, 60091704, 68532768, 63203223, 66066067, 62951475, 58143520, 63211575, 64079813, 65363478, 69322487, 63916034, 66942647, 70386888, 61094871, 66223409, 68766697, 66485027, 59883256, 57160034, 58089614, 62666296, 61833179, 61580490, 66266430, 69522914, 70210323, 54901539, 65461415, 58573227, 68323975, 59777456, 67938344, 58876260, 66793117, 61596319, 59203560, 58628036, 61772847, 66619886, 63149749, 66355939, 61266423, 58991064, 64601226, 66989008, 60434116, 67827499, 67584476, 58802564, 66843272, 65963725, 63570581, 61116828, 71261997, 69478738, 65316131, 70294335, 63203329, 65114038, 67993300, 56103231, 60341681, 62992943, 58697987, 62835605, 68570464, 57459465, 66127858, 63146318, 68614022, 58734257, 63036806, 64538253, 56068970, 63653137, 60327882, 68296125, 71865536, 65626317, 68816304, 58679314, 63352410, 70154891, 62936398, 61748954, 58898280, 60996317, 56631617, 56644617, 71009917, 69966086, 68681903, 59700700, 61535451, 55690965, 58947926, 58793481, 63069002, 64275033, 62215388, 60115793, 63124349, 69986678, 69411299, 67530443, 63730621, 65055498, 70043043, 62670977, 69001174, 63181872, 62269354, 65954864, 62804013, 65119689, 62468267, 63540301, 67965533, 62643943, 62332625, 69719564, 57857109, 55843853, 66766315, 57377721, 68843621, 63178360, 60793568, 58640375, 65608923, 71633486, 64441495, 63150215, 59260189, 67796620, 66053370, 68301238, 62928535, 71236589, 66199794, 61910903, 58391902, 60648945, 56141696, 70969476, 66343227, 61502729, 68525235, 66198293, 66942508, 64340209, 62982385, 64031650, 58011320, 67265701, 65362374, 59794852, 61591197, 64404489, 63316494, 62319358, 63445445, 58352667, 63082260, 65255867, 61265446, 58845803, 65562972, 70037593, 71132109, 65507136, 68189067, 66382708, 62189035, 64460646, 59879304, 67087877, 62257722, 57302811, 62239780, 63803838, 64664146, 67165718, 65696383, 61959416, 62907666, 63964334, 59828944, 61597321, 67912593, 63482202, 62178713, 60092005, 59701215, 63943967, 62509855, 66116266, 65437589, 63899800, 60139233, 65293339, 57335738, 59589223, 68945985, 63932367, 66781353, 65921842, 59605275, 61144244, 62442386, 66848033, 65723791, 63475692, 70572960, 65709089, 62588500, 68746336, 59794119, 63029650, 63321427, 63496482, 57521905, 72055618, 60000693, 62741235, 58827637, 62675830, 70872414, 61950549, 61878697, 68636636, 64505071, 68317055, 67685794, 60246794, 59848833, 60249967, 62995099, 66986046, 66655346, 65577991, 66155927, 58690559, 66201543, 61710155, 63714967, 60759398, 58429218, 65228584, 62469345, 63437707, 63322269, 65522877, 61156110, 58823896, 69092681, 67888109, 63417654, 63175290, 62113113, 61460206, 64883652, 61913508, 66863077, 59133427, 67950357, 59455812, 64363967, 60446995, 61009720, 62409918, 60529864, 61663777, 65496176, 62923009, 63070442, 68312324, 63185532, 67094260, 66481714, 63666841, 62995259, 65303691, 63139855, 68799250, 59247590, 63655839, 65696661, 60671850, 62871537, 64741237, 66766319, 64090332, 61181100, 59720153, 61762493, 68425714, 70557785, 62677730, 61901946, 68718380, 64641148, 62657424, 60013121, 70238319, 56094545, 62607485, 66870263, 61756975, 62355157, 67360262, 58942315, 59602883, 63462338, 59481837, 68091157, 72287977, 70334331, 62927116, 65259307, 62040210, 64232408, 64442117, 67947419, 64160185, 63366312, 59946214, 61026456, 58741830, 62960766, 66450728, 66505938, 67149530, 61072357, 69434685, 60357789, 67573561, 69023002, 59730941, 58935616, 66378831, 61108903, 61409883, 71671845, 63927404, 66501530, 62338630, 65906841, 69391288, 61597802, 65706606, 65497799, 65756436, 65097328, 60313432, 61925794, 66750668, 58520439, 68490328, 65331837, 69255180, 61137234, 64880920, 64932335, 66865669, 59564266, 68440338, 67997315, 57055156, 63180971, 65505869, 60964787, 67326648, 67998107, 58019084, 66959614, 64328778, 58933843, 61772014, 58724642, 64902089, 70739221, 62149916, 59910691, 68365922, 59059516, 64020707, 65351622, 66306822, 59543949, 58946162, 56491796, 62667863, 63810898, 63656212, 66060791, 68839747, 59648441, 64197215, 65805560, 63753048, 65665786, 65160325, 62906786, 59879406, 59685602, 61672831, 62561035, 57239715, 63965352, 67955093, 65170239, 63315100, 63323141, 65829596, 63927013, 58863641, 63994605, 62391436, 66428499, 64595315, 62497257, 61620428, 63335006, 62720621, 65982147, 61113620, 61288231, 59742953, 67736553, 67951407, 64365570, 69788971, 69879395, 67431800, 69115881, 64562804, 68024779, 63338825, 67337833, 71832964, 65794390, 65628954, 61222148, 65671258, 60456543, 63677791, 66152886, 58045838, 59839857, 64446131, 66346357, 60030406, 69225422, 58963891, 64701931, 65486215, 64468588, 62540974, 62756799, 64683470, 62403153, 67190555, 63042724, 68225539, 70260132, 59411467, 66327868, 57911187, 62070454, 63434516, 61672692, 58539958, 65924384, 62533988, 57143065, 65806188, 65949606, 70548213, 58946142, 70004508, 61948315, 60119035, 64951496, 57778508, 66952030, 67051608, 66421165, 57825664, 67125584, 59374065, 64915709, 64560757, 64154276, 67041884, 62148937, 65915582, 62443792, 61719110, 64778207, 63247675, 66355317, 67560388, 67299326, 61350675, 57814218, 64915724, 61022577, 63576217, 60633687, 65174267, 60905016, 57624439, 61529215, 71540159, 61684732, 63749566, 65123039, 59362785, 61663653, 70674926, 65102966, 65708452, 60136201, 61637743, 57725710, 67827598, 67507688, 60563794, 63612363, 55231545, 62172587, 71086047, 64107426, 60069087, 62992579, 63253365, 64096981, 62516293, 64320626, 61562154, 71698176, 64577215, 65811115, 62432412, 72558354, 60990113, 70861623, 58141358, 68522570, 66276658, 66749904, 64598466, 59342460, 63733141, 65458800, 62198507, 65971378, 68368967, 57706820, 61553810, 65276070, 61878245, 69081411, 58797147, 66155886, 63574184, 66431844, 64499077, 65383330, 66426836, 68588212, 63755094, 63394198, 68109115, 68268956, 58349221, 60191212, 58947992, 64663574, 66249731, 68942368, 62864378, 67260033, 63365125, 64173411, 63485552, 63793557, 63542929, 64677648, 63044471, 67893258, 61874609, 59820527, 63618300, 68570248, 60301843, 59297598, 67821801, 55070536, 58259904, 64399005, 64377201, 65672298, 65630841, 62935180, 66982480, 62577326, 63479803, 65495968, 61625540, 61309023, 61972539, 62697119, 64977834, 61825094, 58771305, 62970866, 65826654, 62792345, 69084263, 69910343, 57541923, 66552410, 65643064, 68787174, 62362145, 65982831, 67346973, 61932619, 67973985, 62322824, 65616933, 67548663, 67024029, 67246683, 64792744, 67119347, 58815015, 69627024, 60560699, 67649584, 63880450, 65202240, 62306622, 65527240, 66114026, 66070381, 64688779, 66972213, 60341445, 66058724, 68623345, 66555932, 59437122, 61723449, 66310846, 58875973, 59528145, 66102516, 63259011, 67142825, 64120753, 66745601, 71152953, 63524056, 59587602, 61488955, 64682112, 63642139, 67775297, 65278369, 63240216, 60078915, 65803512, 69119349, 62693018, 64398584, 62458955, 71036231, 58733198, 65735399, 63063132, 61793143, 67984823, 67810447, 63276784, 64880968, 61957930, 64328577, 64913156, 64199943, 60687258, 63119964, 61963604, 62834612, 64629283, 69335683, 65343092, 69292433, 64220379, 64575298, 63007466, 70698100, 65520916, 63108451, 61703192, 62803405, 58393116, 62397295, 65539148, 57445311, 67006048, 62133729, 59435381, 65387910, 66735213, 65744719, 62429520, 61398907, 64157879, 64702252, 61385630, 59789788, 62134162, 60278381, 57635866, 65459395, 66486830, 57595243, 63099046, 60898412, 66904367, 63773349, 63511825, 57028226, 60856751, 63545666, 71623472, 65231758, 61850509, 59788938, 68536427, 64523947, 62866475, 69401218, 61886474, 62580520, 65651667, 58858406, 64583938, 64502037, 59023982, 67142564, 57180424, 62659998, 63315915, 63973801, 62946402, 62402120, 64685052, 66880846, 65055053, 70921211, 66296346, 61641404, 61116543, 63356623, 56583804, 66455163, 65315624, 70640356, 61966120, 66176030, 59226249, 67434530, 70874682, 68492529, 63880921, 58493546, 64631727, 61161474, 66349920, 65286853, 65287128, 65721654, 68971371, 68858452, 71860280, 59758346, 63458431, 68771044, 63299519, 70515653, 69474259, 61879136, 61822690, 61475742, 64952547, 68666602, 65665224, 59886692, 61837505, 60276848, 64288884, 66669554, 68079823, 62391729, 68350841, 62247001, 60186351, 67364395, 65720731, 63610260, 71070984, 64941837, 68323806, 64337360, 63281518, 58847534, 64295557, 65230303, 56504147, 70608348, 64287747, 57968093, 59355459, 67832972, 69309803, 62354379, 65382321, 68982293, 65138255, 65736303, 67047003, 59616125, 65438071, 64074701, 63125468, 67104202, 57339620, 69262389, 62632124, 66339499, 61398893, 61507376, 57835509, 61610354, 57325557, 68370866, 68581960, 59750453, 64440728, 60395454, 63984770, 60036834, 63809497, 58319627, 66324106, 65378683, 63361855, 64403076, 64035143, 67092982, 63303125, 63728233, 64168106, 64039635, 67080786, 64076386, 59996644, 59878626, 68501368, 60791159, 65573102, 68251111, 60449159, 61320211, 66174591, 64130387, 68825504, 66404519, 61261735, 67259534, 66279175, 68247330, 66546879, 61146981, 62783716, 64642481, 62228998, 64958114, 63582167, 66645336, 63562460, 70915819, 58498774, 73345342, 62451456, 68162332, 66581518, 60221360, 60644964, 72588520, 65012795, 63756243, 59691866, 71350499, 61243014, 65443056, 64212632, 71585482, 64438118, 61901529, 68162667, 63504371, 67061811, 64611349, 61595811, 68261827, 64251173, 70976178, 66928294, 60556196, 62630812, 62513720, 61588800, 65818751, 59989252, 62313318, 64841680, 61505489, 65599862, 66891354, 64299474, 63929603, 62735748, 60023471, 60806829, 64644240, 67061124, 64539318, 64560037, 63798301, 60089887, 66577770, 64449575, 63712105, 60668002, 68170241, 64496459, 64981855, 64001244, 67201096, 64877985, 68961593, 67093753, 70594163, 64231731, 62960920, 63346755, 65049580, 64619044, 67798649, 66753396, 56641105, 60079487, 62399786, 69040678, 64968096, 61368027, 67156445, 58589688, 66374354, 66923296, 67187007, 57221360, 69400344, 61452586, 60561301, 63745871, 62401654, 57905635, 70711289, 71739876, 62689268, 65616981, 63764296, 68775654, 60905723, 65234499, 66126094, 63615750, 60750598, 60875584, 64732830, 72160942, 65304181, 63640175, 65956966, 64084769, 63306358, 68964218, 67006036, 61693648, 64719348, 58892500, 57173868, 68636342, 65825351, 69018293, 64239085, 67811872, 65909394, 68908485, 65340332, 60898563, 56371321, 63914361, 58201012, 57671664, 60073909, 71024380, 62599650, 59596612, 68324686, 60901052, 66939589, 64773073, 65262783, 63566973, 60148082, 68526829, 64805766, 62796988, 62024872, 61797643, 65028249, 59257568, 68113793, 68491842, 63153830, 66690286, 68775332, 66266514, 63254842, 63130917, 65593302, 63182667, 63768876, 67767200, 64109437, 64381504, 72201385, 67152768, 60841307, 66800358, 61947130, 64569744, 69834736, 69845345, 66108859, 59823511, 61424884, 68779195, 59809936, 61719208, 64179793, 69550658, 60155480, 62360267, 68143105, 69061770, 68249232, 66404459, 66966499, 65711841, 62749629, 60944249, 66024271, 67896753, 59078835, 64479608, 69072797, 71592027, 64824277, 62179662, 61133810, 69460076, 62959793, 60586792, 63626388, 67787832, 63148236, 68028357, 63140007, 67034764, 61601083, 61035415, 65735182, 59771131, 64355082, 63615917, 65697689, 64252820, 65727243, 65757176, 65674788, 64811824, 66540130, 56962628, 61273162, 64722521, 59986785, 68880683, 64602213, 65575139, 66570840, 66835867, 66141525, 66455992, 61114307, 67042048, 65122125, 64685224, 65705181, 70862867, 64968513, 68388371, 63168135, 66017478, 66197152, 63397210, 65012292, 58084142, 63476327, 63757101, 63777473, 61029451, 67501439, 64810124, 57805337, 62001667, 60304571, 61212696, 70907445, 66499657, 63667208, 64770038, 63074909, 63372274, 60106009, 63552277, 64111671, 66744147, 71354153, 66812994, 61093570, 67393117, 65291204, 64897365, 60822946, 68142213, 62028544, 67726158, 63130222, 64278258, 69386949, 57828324, 59976769, 64174153, 64426136, 59610026, 62670269, 61393249, 65526473, 58350005, 60830239, 56981028, 65898704, 63481409, 63559057, 66450103, 65886675, 64272274, 62972970, 60808619, 60137341, 65333639, 63861224, 66150677, 68517483, 59793918, 62825513, 65272405, 58852528, 61204741, 60327327, 65641981, 63550731, 57206292, 69422190, 63609112, 64224337, 71601367, 61159395, 63619876, 64330679, 61405309, 70082641, 63752794, 63156002, 69010303, 63197830, 64593898, 64859103, 67765582, 65401404, 63564640, 66498670, 67379786, 62900928, 66594632, 64566572, 62837912, 71342632, 72967396, 67851757, 65819307, 68444173, 69887757, 67477826, 71228352, 60042915, 61547268, 64207493, 58124059, 64028190, 61742897, 64786994, 61966640, 62471227, 62746390, 61650413, 65212275, 63419941, 61777360, 60800092, 65494190, 67202755, 63501212, 65078012, 67079286, 59084245, 65591500]
with open('', 'r') as f:
dat ='\n')
mat = literal_eval(dat)
mat = matrix(mat).T
x = vector(x)
flag = ""
for i in mat.solve_right(x).list():
flag += chr(int(i))
Flag: actf{3verything_is_just_linear_algebr4_33e431e52e896c92}
100 points, 19 solves Can you make it to the top of giza? Author: evilmuffinha Hint: you got this
This function has stack frame too big, so I can’t decompile with IDA.
After some times trying to debug, I got something like this:
This program takes 428 input numbers, then it has an x matrix, it subtracts cumulatively the x-matrix diagonal for each input number, this matrix will be processed and do a few things and then check (supose our input is i
I use Ghidra and I decompiled this function, here is the code:
And we must get out the loop with the check = 0.
In sometime, I think about using side channel attack, but I alway got SIGNAL when get into the function FUN_00101b50(). So that failed.
Another time, I see the matrix subtracts cumulatively on diagonal, so, what happend if after that, the diagonal equal to 0?
To do that, we need the diagonal of x:
Start with base offset of x, I used get_bytes to get number on the diagonal:
[get_bytes(0x55F234BA0040 + i*428*4 + i*4,4) for i in range(0x1ac)]
May you can convert it into int:
And I wrote this script to subtract from the end to the top (Same with name giza:v )
sus = [b'A\x00\x00\x00', b'\xa4\x00\x00\x00', b'\x07\x01\x00\x00', b'v\x01\x00\x00', b'\xe8\x01\x00\x00', b'L\x02\x00\x00', b'\xb5\x02\x00\x00', b'#\x03\x00\x00', b'\x8a\x03\x00\x00', b'\xaa\x03\x00\x00', b'\x1e\x04\x00\x00', b'\x8d\x04\x00\x00', b'\xad\x04\x00\x00', b'\x0e\x05\x00\x00', b'z\x05\x00\x00', b'\xe6\x05\x00\x00', b'\x06\x06\x00\x00', b'q\x06\x00\x00', b'\xdf\x06\x00\x00', b'N\x07\x00\x00', b'\xc5\x07\x00\x00', b'3\x08\x00\x00', b'S\x08\x00\x00', b'\xbf\x08\x00\x00', b' \t\x00\x00', b'\x97\t\x00\x00', b'\n\n\x00\x00', b'\x14\n\x00\x00', b'\x83\n\x00\x00', b'\xe9\n\x00\x00', b'\t\x0b\x00\x00', b'j\x0b\x00\x00', b'\xe0\x0b\x00\x00', b'I\x0c\x00\x00', b'\xaa\x0c\x00\x00', b'\x1e\r\x00\x00', b'\x87\r\x00\x00', b'\xf6\r\x00\x00', b'd\x0e\x00\x00', b'\x90\x0e\x00\x00', b'\x9a\x0e\x00\x00', b'\x0e\x0f\x00\x00', b'v\x0f\x00\x00', b'\xdb\x0f\x00\x00', b'M\x10\x00\x00', b'\xb2\x10\x00\x00', b'\xd2\x10\x00\x00', b';\x11\x00\x00', b'\xae\x11\x00\x00', b'\xce\x11\x00\x00', 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b'\x19\x8a\x00\x00', b'z\x8a\x00\x00', b'\xef\x8a\x00\x00', b'b\x8b\x00\x00', b'\xd6\x8b\x00\x00', b'?\x8c\x00\x00', b'\xad\x8c\x00\x00', b'\x14\x8d\x00\x00', b's\x8d\x00\x00', b'\xdb\x8d\x00\x00', b'P\x8e\x00\x00', b'\xb8\x8e\x00\x00', b'\x17\x8f\x00\x00', b'c\x8f\x00\x00', b'\xb0\x8f\x00\x00', b'\x04\x90\x00\x00', b'G\x90\x00\x00', b'\x89\x90\x00\x00', b'\xff\x90\x00\x00', b'i\x91\x00\x00', b'\xdf\x91\x00\x00', b'+\x92\x00\x00', b'~\x92\x00\x00', b'\xf6\x92\x00\x00', b'-\x93\x00\x00', b'^\x93\x00\x00', b'\xa4\x93\x00\x00', b'\x19\x94\x00\x00', b'\x89\x94\x00\x00', b'\xdf\x94\x00\x00', b'\x14\x95\x00\x00', b'b\x95\x00\x00', b'\xa5\x95\x00\x00', b'\x1a\x96\x00\x00', b'p\x96\x00\x00', b'\xc2\x96\x00\x00', b'?\x97\x00\x00']
sus = sus[::-1]
las = int.from_bytes(sus[0],'little')
x =""
for i in range(1,len(sus)):
n = int.from_bytes(sus[i],'little')
x += chr(las - n)
las = n
And this happened:
Flag: actf{making_it_to_the_top_is_kinda_exhausting_huh_LMTCBvjvLSx71FupV5NCuVR}
The hardest challenge of this contest is Uncertainty-rev
but I see it guessy, so I don’t do this.